miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017


                                                                                                         S. Blue St

Dear Mary,

What about your holidays? I'm really enjoying my holidays, I hope you are having a good time, too. Although this year I cannot go on holidays because my sister is going to study away from home. My parents and I are very involved with the papers of the university and finding some accomodation for her.

This sumer is going very fast for me and I don't like it. In my opinion, it is of the shortest ones in my life. But it is also one of the years that I have enjoyed the beach the most, although I don't like it. I have also had new experiences that I have loved and hope to repeat.

For me, the only bad thing about this summer is that I have to study. But, I want to do the September exams and enjoy those days before starting the new school year with my family and friends. As well, another bad thing is that I have not been able to enjoy the parties around my town, although those beach afternoons with my friends will be unforgettable.

In conclusion, I hope that this last school year is as enjoyable as possible and that I will pass the Selectivity exams. I would also like to keep up with my friends in class and learn everthing that teachers teach us and more. I look forward to your letter and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the summer.

See you soon,

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